Giltbridge Linguistic Services

Marketing Industry Solutions • Application Scenarios

Marketing materials help a company impress its potential customers.

Companies need to deliver explosively-growing brand content to break the barriers of language and culture, making marketing extremely complex.

With a professional multilingual delivery team and a compilation and review team, Giltbridge can provide integrated marketing content in multiple languages for multiple channels.

Main scenarios:
Business Scenarios Solutions
Internationalization of branding and marketing documents Marketing document translation/website translation/multimedia production
Media content delivery to marketing channels (multimedia and social media operation materials) Marketing material translation and media content compilation and advertising
Language support for brand marketing activities Simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, and simultaneous interpretation equipment
Design, typesetting, and printing of marketing materials Translation Technology Service
Promotion and delivery videos Promotional video planning and execution
Exhibition marketing activities Exhibition hall design and building
Marketing feedback and survey Technical document translation/Onsite translation

Marketing Industry Solutions

[Solution implementation] Giltbridge has a full-time team of language experts and transcreation experts with agile language style. They have cooperated with the branding, marketing, and public relations teams of many large enterprises for many years. They are well versed in the three flavors. Their language style is agile and alive, and they have profound cultural background and keen awareness of politics, culture, and current affairs. Their accurate grasp of the essence of articles is an important guarantee for high-quality deliverables. Our linguist team can transcreate articles to meet the needs in different application scenarios. That is, they compile texts, select images, change fonts, and adapt culture elements to their works, while following the process of translation, editing, and proofreading. For many years, we keep on updating the Quality Assurance Plan for Sensitive Words in Translation and the list of sensitive words. To prevent risks, we consider the list of sensitive words as a necessary part of our deliverables for each project. We highly value the importance of customer experience and keep an eye on changes in customer requirements to help them overcome language and culture challenges.
[Not just translation] Apart from marketing material translation, media content compilation and advertising and marketing activity planning and execution are important sections for successful branding and marketing. Companies need to deliver explosively-growing brand content to diversified domestic and foreign media channels to break the barriers of language and culture. All these make marketing extremely complex. In most cases, companies cooperate with various advertising partners to produce marketing content specific to each media channel, which is then compiled and delivered globally. Releasing marketing materials across channels or to other countries may lead to duplication of marketing content or inconsistent brand image. Comprehensive and high-quality marketing activities are of top priority for a company. To successfully carry out a marketing activity, companies need all-round planning, appropriate content, production of promotional videos, and exhibition hall design and building. Giltbridge assists our clients in various marketing stages to improve the reputation of their brands and achieve steady growth in the market.
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